
NFTs for Beginners

Everything you need to know about Non-Fungible Tokens

Learn NFTs like a Pro


What does NFT stand for?

Non-fungible token.

What exactly is an NFT?

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a cryptographic representation of a verifiably unique virtual or real-world entity or asset. NFTs can, for example, represent a work of art, a piece of music, or an in-game object, among many other things.

In simple terms, an NFT is a digital asset that "lives" on a blockchain and behaves, feels, looks, and functions similarly to a physical asset. NFTs are typically bought and sold online with cryptocurrencies.

Tell me more about what an NFT is.

Artwork, photography, music, original compositions, and even the source code that gave birth to the World Wide Web are examples of valuable assets.

When an asset with an NFT token is traded digitally or in person, the blockchain creates a new 'block' containing the new owner's information.

A chain of information will be created for each transaction, and ownership tracing along the chain will be simple to demonstrate the item's legitimacy and provenance.

Can you explain the non-fungible part?

"Non-fungible" means that it's unique and can't be replaced with anything.

How do NFTs work?

On a high level, most NFTs are part of the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum, like bitcoin and dogecoin, is a cryptocurrency but has some key distinctions that allow it to support NFTs, which hold additional data that lets them behave differently.

What makes an NFT valuable?

What makes most art valuable? Perception in the marketplace, scarcity, uniqueness, who made it. Just like physical artwork, if someone says it has value, it has value. That doesn't mean you can assign a price and discount. Whatever someone will pay is what it's worth.

Is every NFT unique then?

Every NFT is a unique token in the technical sense. However, that token could be like a Monet painting, with only one definitive edition, or it could be like a baseball card, with hundreds of numbered copies.

Why should I own an NFT? Can I make money from it?

This is both a personal and a business question. You should own an NFT if you have an emotional attachment to the piece, as in buy it if you like it. However, whether you can make money on it is dependant on the market in general and on the piece itself.

Some people have made outrageous sums of money on NFTs. Others not so much. It's no different than trading any other asset.

How can you tell if your NFT is genuine?

The ownership of NFTs is recorded on the blockchain, and this entry serves as a digital record of ownership. A master record that no one person can alter.

How can I make an NFT?

Well, it all depends on the platform you're using. The steps are generally as follows:

  • Choose your item
  • Decide which blockchain you want to use
  • Create a digital wallet
  • Decide on your NFT market
  • Put your file on the server
  • Create a sales process
What are the risks of NFTs?

Bad actors can sell fakes, shady marketplaces pop up, and cryptocurrency is generally volatile like the physical art world. Like in the offline world, it's best to educate yourself as well as possible and perform due diligence.

What is the cost of creating an NFT?

Technically, no set figure determines how much it costs to build an NFT. At each step, you must pay for features with Ethereuem gas.

What is gas, and how does it work?

Users pay gas fees to compensate for the computer power needed to process and validate transactions on the Ethereum network.

The individual willing to pay the highest gas fee will prioritize their transaction. When many people attempt to purchase, these fees can become extremely high.

Why are the costs for Crypto Gas so high?

Gas fees can be excessive when Ethereum is one of the most extensively utilized blockchains. With so much activity on the Ethereum network, the blocks are filling up, and transaction fees increase with each increase in demand.

How do I check the price of gas?

Use a service like etherscan or


Are collecting NFTs like collecting other art?

Some people say it's the digital equivalent to the traditional art market, with some concrete benefits around ownership and authentication ( for the better ).

What's to stop me from just downloading another copy of the NFT?

Nothing. Go ahead. Just in the same way as you can buy a poster of the Mona Lisa, what you have is a copy and, while pretty, not worth what the original is.

But whoever purchased the poster has something they can hold and look at, isn't this different?

Sure, to some, though how you appreciate your art is up to you. The NFT you own can also be displayed, just differently.

Are NFTs the future of art and collectibles?

It varies depending on who you ask. NFTs appeal to artists, singers, athletes, celebrities, and others because they provide a fresh and unique opportunity to sell goods directly to followers. NFTs also allow artists to program future royalties if the property is sold to a new owner. Some galleries also view NFTs as their way into an entirely new market of collectors.

How do you buy an NFT?

The vast majority of NFT transactions occur on a specialized exchange. Here's a quick tutorial on buying these digital items from there.

  • The Ethereum network is now used by most markets to power their transactions. For example, to purchase an NFT, you'll need Ether, Ethereum's native token.
  • You'll also need to set up an Ethereum-compatible crypto wallet. A cryptocurrency wallet is a digital address where you can save your coins. Wallets can be created on Metamask, Binance, and Coindesk. To open a wallet with the platform of your choice, you must first go to their website and register. Then, you'll need to send the ether you acquired from the exchange to the wallet's address after you've opened the wallet.
  • Select the marketplace where you wish to purchase the NFT. NFTs can be found on a variety of platforms. OpenSea, Rarible, SuperRare, and Foundation are some of the most popular NFT marketplaces.
  • Create an account on the marketplace of your choice.
  • Make a connection between your wallet and the marketplace. On most marketplaces, there is a simple 'Connect wallet' option.
  • Look through the marketplace for an NFT that appeals to you. Most marketplaces that purchase NFTs use an auction system; you must bid for the NFT you want.
  • After a successful bid, you will finish the transaction, and the required amount will be deducted from your wallet. Remember that the marketplace may charge you a transaction fee, which will vary depending on the site.
Do I buy NFTs with cryptocurrencies?

Yes. Ethereum is widely accepted in a variety of markets. However, anyone can technically sell an NFT and demand any currency they choose.

Where do I go to sell NFTs?

There is currently a slew of online venues where you may create and sell NFTs. The following are the most popular NFT platforms:

  • OpenSea.
  • Rarible.
  • SuperRare.
  • Foundation.
  • AtomicMarket.
  • Myth Market.
  • BakerySwap.
  • KnownOrigin.
What happens once you purchase an NFT?

When you buy an NFT, you purchase the exclusive ownership of a particular digital asset. You’re not necessarily buying ownership of every instance of that image or its likeness ( this isn’t copyright ), but you are the registered owner of the original copy.

Can I sell photographs as NFT?

Of course, photo NFTs are one of the fastest-growing marketplace segments, opening up potential new avenues for photographers of all levels and genres to market and sell their work.


Are NFTs a novel concept?

They've become increasingly popular, but they're not new. Andrew Steinwold dated their beginnings to blockchain-backed Colored Coins in 2012. Still, they didn't gain public acceptance until CryptoKitties in 2017, when everyone started buying virtual kitties.

Interest in NFTs has skyrocketed recently. In 2021 alone, collectors and investors spent 22 Billion dollars on NFTs.

Why should I be interested as a creative person?

You might be interested in NFTs because they give you a new way to sell your creative work. NFTs have a feature that you can enable that pays you a percentage of the sale or transfer price, ensuring that your work becomes incredibly famous. So its value skyrockets, you'll reap some of the rewards.

Why should I be interested as a buyer.

One of the most obvious benefits of purchasing art is that it allows you to support artists you appreciate financially. This is especially true with NFTs. There is also the prestige of owning the artwork, supported by a blockchain entry. Finally, there are opportunities to make money by selling the artwork.

Is the use of NFTs commonplace?

For most people, we'd say no. Our moms have no idea what an NFT is, but more and more people are getting into the space every day.

Is it possible for me to steal someone's NFTs?

That is debatable. Part of the attractiveness of blockchain is that it keeps track of every transaction, making it more challenging to steal and resell than, say, a painting. However, cryptocurrencies have been stolen in the past, so it all depends on how the NFT is held and how much effort a potential victim is willing to put in to recover their funds.

How do NFTs help artists?

Artists only receive money when the piece is first purchased in the physical art world. After that, art buyers will often sell that piece for considerably more than what they originally paid the artist for it. NFTs enable artists to be paid not only on the first sale but also on a percentage of subsequent sales.

Why do people pay such a high price for NFTs?

Belief in technology. NFT investors believe they have long-term value and will appreciate it over time.

Is NFT just a link?

An NFT is a pointer, a URL or a number used by its smart contract. The artwork itself is not on the blockchain.

What makes NFTs increase in value?

Famous artists or companies with a strong brand typically make or issue NFTs. As a result, demand for these NFTs is high, value increases. Additionally, as acceptance of the blockchain becomes more pervasive, the buying market will increase, adding more purchasing power to NFT marketplaces.

How difficult is it to make an NFT?

Creating your own NFT artwork, whether a GIF or an image, is a reasonably simple procedure that doesn’t require extensive crypto knowledge.

How many people are buying NFTs?

An estimated 4.1 million Americans have purchased or sold an NFT.

Is it possible to sell several copies of an NFT?

You can create a single instance of an NFT and sell it for a very high price. But nothing is stopping you as the creator from making more copies and trying to sell them, though the value will diminish significantly.

What determines an NFTs value?

The value of an NFT varies greatly depending on the digital asset being traded. Because NFTs are becoming a more popular means to buy and sell digital art, evaluating an NFT would consider an artist's popularity and previous NFT transactions.

Can NFTs be copyrighted?

These tokens are sometimes called crypto-collectibles because they are unique. However, this does not mean that they cannot be copyrighted because they can be registered with the United States Copyright Office just like any other work.


Do I need to store my NFT purchases securely?

NFTs are stored in digital wallets (the wallet has explicitly to be NFT-compatible). However, you could always keep the wallet on a computer in an underground bunker.

What is the difference between cryptocurrency and NFTs?

NFTs are not cryptocurrencies but are built on Ethereum and Bitcoin-like technologies. NFTs, like cryptocurrencies, are stored on a blockchain, which confirms their identity and ownership. In addition, the blockchain keeps track of all transactions involving the NFT and the property it represents.

Are NFTs secure?

In general, buying and owning NFTs are as safe as buying and owning cryptocurrency.

What exactly is an NFT wallet?

An NFT wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet that works with the NFT blockchain protocol. It should also support the currency you'll use to buy NFTs, such as Ether (CRYPTO: ETH). Because most NFTs use the Ethereum blockchain, most Ethereum wallets will work.

Can NFTs be verified?

NFTs are tracked and verified on the blockchain. However, each NFT has its unique transaction hash making it impossible to replicate.

Why are transactions so time-consuming?

Miners may opt not to include your transaction in a future block if your gas charge limit is set too low, as all users bid for block space.

As a result, your transaction took so long because the gas fee wasn't appealing enough to be included in a later block. You'll have to wait for the gas fees of other customers to decrease before yours becomes appealing to miners.